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WWE Survivor Series: The New Day Vs. The Street Profits


WWE Survivor Series: The New Day Vs. The Street Profits

RAW Tag Team Champions The New Day vs. SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Street Profits

We go back to the ring for our first non-title champions vs. champions match, and out first are RAW Tag Team Champions The New Day – Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. Big E is with them tonight. Tom hypes their special appearance as DLC in the Gears 5 video game, and we get a video promo for the game. Big E did not go with Kofi and Woods to the ring. We go backstage to SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Street Profits now. They hype up the 30th anniversary of The Undertaker and go on about starting their own legacy tonight. The music hits in the arena as Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins head to the ring.

Woods and Dawkins start things off. They briefly go at it and have some words as it looks like Dawkins wants Kofi. Kofi comes in and they briefly go at it. Ford tags in next. They go at it and Ford drops Kofi with a shoulder. Ford dances around and they run the ropes. Ford catches Kofi but he counters. They run the ropes again and Ford sends Kofi out of the ring. Kofi flies back in but gets dropkicked in mid-air. Dawkins tags in and they double team Kofi, dropping him on his face.

Dawkins splashes Kofi for a 2 count. Dawkins controls Kofi by his arm now. Ford tags in for the double teaming on Kofi. Kofi blocks with his feet, then sends Dawkins to the floor. Ford also gets sent out next to his partner. Kofi runs the ropes and leaps out, taking Ford down. Woods then jumps off the apron to take Dawkins down on the outside. The New Day taunts The Street Profits, then Woods brags some to the announcers.

Kofi works on Ford in the ring now, unloading in the corner. Woods tags in and they double team Ford in the corner. Kofi comes back in and delivers shoulder thrusts to Ford in the corner. Woods tags back in for more double teaming on Ford. Woods with a Gutbuster to Ford for a quick pin attempt in the middle of the ring.

Woods grounds Ford and makes him watch Kofi, who is taunting him from the apron with a red cup. Woods delivers another big strike to Ford’s ribs. Kofi takes back over and makes Dawkins watch while he keeps Ford down in the middle of the ring. Ford finally drops Kofi with a DDT in the middle of the ring and they both go down. Dawkins and Wood tag in at the same time and they run wild as fans cheer them on. The WWE Network feed cuts out and comes back to Dawkins grounding Woods. Ford tags in for the double team as Dawkins scoops Woods. Woods slides out and sends Dawkins into the corner. Woods and Kofi go on to hit the Midnight Hour, a Big E-less version. Ford kicks out at 2.

Kofi unloads on Ford now, hitting multiple Boom Drops in the middle of the ring. Ford gets an opening with a dropkick. They go on and Ford hits a big top rope Frogsplash to Kofi after Dawkins put him down with a big Spinebuster. Ford landed hard on his ribs but he still crawls to cover as Kofi kicks out. Dawkins ends up saving Ford from a pin. Woods flies in and takes Dawkins out of the ring. Kofi tags in Wood. Ford ducks Trouble In Paradise as Ford nails Trouble In Paradise right back, using it on Kofi. Woods with a big Gutbuster and close 2 count on Ford.

Ford looks to tag but Dawkins is down on the floor. Woods works him over and takes him to the top. Woods climbs up for a superplex but Ford resists. Ford sends Woods down and Woods doesn’t see Dawkins tag in. Ford hits a big top rope Blockbuster while Woods sits on Dawkins’ shoulders. Dawkins covers for the pin to win as Kofi tries to run in but is too late to break the pin up.

Winners: The Street Profits

This is from our live WWE Survivor Series coverage post. Click here to access our full coverage.