Multiple Wrestlers Pulled From Dragon Gate Event, Triple H Vs. The Undertaker Match
Multiple Wrestlers Pulled From Dragon Gate Event, Triple H Vs. The Undertaker Match
In a startling announcement made by Dragon Gate, the company has announced that Shuji Kondo, Ultimo Dragon and Jason Lee have been pulled from the Kobe Pro Wrestling Festival after showing high fevers. As a result of this news, the Open the Twin Gate titles are vacant. YAMATO will team with Kota Minoura, replacing Jason Lee, to take on BxB Hulk and KAI to determine new champions.
【#KobeProWrestlingFestival2020 Card Update】
?15:00 JST – 1:00 EST – 6:00GMT
?♂️ https://t.co/cdDHfAe2eP⭐︎Updated card will continue in this thread#dragongate#DragonGateNetwork pic.twitter.com/B1XaoywN4h
— Dragongate Japan Pro-Wrestling (Official English) (@DragonGateEN) November 14, 2020
WWE has posted another free match on their YouTube channel, this time featuring The Undertaker vs. Triple H in a “No Holds Barred” match from WrestleMania XXVII.