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Josh Alexander talks about Impact Wrestling becoming TNA Wrestling


On the most recent episode of the Kurt Angle Show, Josh Alexander joined as a guest and shared his thoughts on Impact Wrestling rebranding as TNA Wrestling.

Josh expressed how the locker room at Impact Wrestling is full of fans of TNA, individuals who grew up watching legendary wrestlers like Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Gail Kim, and Awesome Kong. He emphasized the impact these wrestlers had on the current roster, especially in terms of inspiration and paving the way for future generations.

Josh highlighted the significance of the knockouts division and how it revolutionized women’s wrestling by providing opportunities for female wrestlers to showcase their skills and wrestle for extended periods of time. This shift in focus on women’s wrestling empowered the current knockouts roster and inspired them to pursue their passion.

Drawing parallels between his own journey and that of his peers, Josh shared how he and others in the locker room were influenced by the likes of Samoa Joe and AJ Styles. He emphasized the importance of the X Division in showcasing athleticism and innovative wrestling styles, which served as a beacon of possibility during a time when such opportunities were scarce.

Overall, Josh’s reflections on Impact Wrestling’s rebranding as TNA Wrestling shed light on the rich history and legacy of the promotion. The stories of past wrestlers continue to inspire and motivate the current roster, shaping the future of professional wrestling in a meaningful way.