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Heath Gives Bound For Glory Injury Update


Heath Gives Bound For Glory Injury Update

As reported last Sunday, Heath was injured during the “Call Your Shot” Battle Royal at Impact Wrestling Bound for Glory.

Today on social media, Heath gave an update that his official diagnosis is a partially torn abductor muscle and a slight tear in his groin.

Also in his update, he revealed that he won’t be needing surgery but just “lots of rest, ice, and physical therapy.”

Below is his full update:

This is the moment I knew I was screwed. After two doctors telling me that my injury was a severe inguinal hernia, I made an appointment with a hernia specialist.
OFFICIAL DIAGNOSIS: partially torn abductor muscle (from the bone) and a slight tear in my groin.
RECOVERY: luckily no surgery, just gotta suck it up and deal with the pain for a while. Lots of rest, ice, physical therapy (I’m coming for you @nmotion_pr #recovery #badluck #rebuild #hurting #outfornow #butnotforever

Heath was initially slated to win the “Call Your Shot” Battle Royal, but after he got hurt, it was then changed to Rhino.