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Condolences to Dave Meltzer on the passing of his mother Marilyn Meltzer


Condolences to Dave Meltzer on the passing of his mother Marilyn Meltzer

I want to send along my condolences to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter’s Dave Meltzer, who announced today that his mother Marilyn Meltzer passed away today at the age of 91.

Dave says he knew this was coming for the last few weeks and she has been dealing with health issues after suffering a stroke four years ago.


“She was a grade school teacher who graduated college at the age of 19 because they skipped her several grades, and believed strongly that was the wrong thing for children.

She was the best athlete in our family but being so much younger than her classmates that hurt her when it came to high school sports. She was as honest as anyone I’ve ever met. For years she handled Observer bookkeeping and many many fans spoke to her over the phone for years. She loved that period and loved her time talking to readers. She loved attending the Tragos/Thesz Hall of Fame ceremony in Waterloo, IA and especially being able to spend time with Charlie Thesz, as Lou Thesz was her favorite wrestler although she was not a wrestling fan.

She fought till the end after he stroke. She refused to accept her limitations or believe that she would never be able to walk again. But it did become increasingly frustrating for her when she couldn’t get back movement on her left side. But she worked as hard as she could in every therapy session, and many times when I’d go see her we would do mind exercise games because she wanted to stay sharp. She was fully understanding of everything going on in the world and had so much love for her grandchildren.”

Click here for more on Marilyn Meltzer.