Former ECW and WWE announcer Joey Styles files to trademark his stage name

Jospeh Bonsignore, better known as ECW and WWE play by play announcer Joey Styles back on February 25 filed to trademark his stage name. 

The filing noted that Styles listed his First Use and First Use In Commerce dates as January 1992. 

The following use description was included with the USPTO (United States Patent & Trademark Office):

“IC 041. US 100 101 107. G & S: Entertainment services, namely, wrestling exhibits and performances by a professional wrestler and entertainer. FIRST USE: 19920101. USED IN ANOTHER FORM The mark was first used anywhere in a different form other than that sought to be registered at least as early as 11/06/2000. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19920101”

Styles last worked for WWE as the Vice President of Digital Media Content from 2008 to 2016.  On August 8, 2016 he was released by WWE and returned to a c career in advertising sales in New York.