AEW wrestlers not thrilled with Jim Ross publicly burying their in-ring work

AEW wrestlers not thrilled with Jim Ross publicly burying their in-ring work

As noted on Friday, Jim Ross had a lot to say about the current generation of wrestlers doing too much in the ring. Ross specifically pointed out the spot where wrestlers huddle up at ringside to catch someone doing a dive from over the top rope. Click here to read the transcript of what Ross said on his podcast.

We reached out to a couple of wrestlers in AEW and the feeling is that JR makes a lot of good points but some wrestlers are less likely to listen to him when he is ripping on their work in public.

One wrestler gave us the following statement on Ross’ comments: “Look I know there is a lot that JR can teach us but burying us on the show or on his podcast is only going to make some of us ignore what he says. I grew up watching JR and he is the best and we love it that he calls our matches but maybe find a different way to criticize the wrestlers in the ring. Everyone is doing what they have been taught. I agree that sometimes things need to be slowed down but that won’t happen when the guy who is supposed to help put us over is going out there and publicly burying us.”

Another wrestler echoed similar sentiments about Ross. It was noted to us that Jerry Lynn is someone who gets a lot of praise behind the scenes because he is a straight shooter but the feeling on him is that he gives constructive criticism.