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AEW has Stadium Stampede trademark suspended because of confusion with WWE trademark


AEW has Stadium Stampede trademark suspended because of confusion with WWE trademark

AEW has been facing issues with The United States Patent and Trademark Office regarding its filing for Stadium Stampede. They made the filing back on August 6th after they booked the match at the Double or Nothing PPV event in May.

There are two issues with the filing as the first being the use of the word ‘Stadium.’ It must have a disclaimer indicating it is being used simply as descriptive wording, according to Heel By Nature.

AEW was given the suggestion that the new application should have the wording, “No claim is made to the exclusive right to use “Stadium” apart from the mark as shown.”

The other issue is due to WWE having a trademark for the term Spring Stampede pending right now. WWE filed for the trademark in January 2019, but it still needs to be approved.

On December 3rd, AEW  fulfilled the USPTO’s first request to submit an application for not having the exclusive rights to use the world “Stadium.” However, the USPTO thinks they failed to argue why they should be given a wrestling-related trademark using the word “Stampede.”

Moving along to December 7th, the USPTO suspended AEW’s filing for the trademark. Regarding WWE’s Spring Stampede filing, they have until next Match to update the trademark or it will be abandoned.